Our Investment Philosophy
We are Value Investors. We seek to purchase businesses trading at a discount to intrinsic value. This is a time tested approach set forth originally by Benjamin Graham and implemented by others such as Warren Buffett.
We don’t follow the herd. As contrarian minded investors, we are attracted to companies we believe are temporarily priced at a discount because they have fallen out of favor with Wall Street and the investing public.
Our mindset is one of a business owner. We look for our investments to appreciate over time and provide steady dividends and cash flow along the way.
Our goal is to reduce risk and to identify businesses striving for long term sustainable excellence.
Barron’s 2024 Top 100 Advisors as of March 11, 2024. Forbes Top Wealth Advisor as of August 24, 2022.
Third-party ratings and recognition from rating services or publications are no guarantee of future investment success. Working with a highly-rated adviser does not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance. Generally, ratings, rankings and recognition are based on information prepared and submitted by the adviser.
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