How We Invest

Due diligence is the heart and soul of investment selection. A good due diligence process objectively whittles down the universe of available equities across the globe to those that meet CORDA’s high standards for inclusion in our clients’ portfolios. As part of our due diligence, the goal is to own predictable, dominant, secure, and ethical businesses. The majority of these businesses have a lengthy history of sharing profits via dividends and, in our opinion, have a very small probability of permanent loss of capital. The image below illustrates a handful of components that go into CORDA’s due diligence.

  • Focused: concentrating on our best ideas
  • Patient: being investors, not traders
  • Opportunistic: having no mandate to remain fully invested
  • Fundamental Approach: looking for high quality and strong balance sheets
  • Strong Business Profile: identifying businesses with long term sustainable business practices
  • Go Anywhere: investing across all sectors, geographies and market caps
  • Individual Securities: owning businesses, not investment products
  • Absolute Value: seeking genuine bargains
  • Cash Flow: selecting businesses that pay sustainable dividends
  • Rising Income Streams: preferring businesses with a history of increasing dividends
  • Fiduciary Responsibility: putting our clients’ interests first
  • Tax Efficient: minimizing the impact of taxes through our investment strategy

Barron’s 2025 Top Financial Advisors as of March 11, 2025. Forbes Top Wealth Advisors as of April 3, 2024.

Third-party ratings and recognition from rating services or publications are no guarantee of future investment success. Working with a highly-rated adviser does not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance. Generally, ratings, rankings and recognition are based on information prepared and submitted by the adviser.

If you are ready to start investing with a firm you can trust, call CORDA today at 855.439.0665 to schedule your initial consultation.


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